Friday, October 17, 2014

A Little About Me : Jung Typology

Now normally I don't put much stock into online quizzes and personality tests but sometimes, you just have to wonder how they can get it so wrong.. or so right. A few days ago I took a quiz called a Jung Typology test or the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ( I'd tell you what it's for but an explanation from The Free Medical Dictionary explains it better than I ever would:
          "Career counselors use the test to help others determine what occupational field they might be best suited for, and it is also used in organizational settings to assess management skills and facilitate teamwork and problem-solving, including communication difficulties. Because the MBTI [Myers-Brigg Type Indicator] is also a tool for self-discovery, mental health professionals may administer the test in counseling sessions to provide their patients with insight into their behavior."
 So... basically it's just a step up from your average Facebook 'What's Your Inner Mythological Creature?" quiz (which I totally am a Quetzalcoatl, Google it! it's awesome). Anyway, I am an ENTJ. Whoop! That absolutely amaz.... wait, what the heck does that mean? Isn't a personality test supposed to tell you something along the lines of You Are Sarcastic!? ...right?

Well, the MBTI is based on the four Jungian psychological types: extraversion (E) or introversion (I), sensing (S) or intuition (N), thinking (T) or feeling (F), judging (J) or perceiving (P). When you finish a series of simple questions it will tell you what personality type you fall under in a four letter 'Type'.
Taking my results and putting in the Jungian trait categories, it says I am these things: Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging. At first, I wasn't too sure how to take it, I mean, who likes to be told they are a judging kind of person anyway? Before writing it off as just another Facebook Quiz, I looked a bit more into it and apparently, those four traits mean a lot more than your first glance. And it scarily accurate.... on most things.

The MBTI overview for ENTJ's starts out with saying that I am "...generally organized, decisive, direct, innovative, and driven to succeed." I would truthfully say that I can be described as such, in varying proportions of course. Its also mentions, in its numerous pages,  that ENTJ's tend to be energetic, confident, and place an importance on honesty. However, we can "...create the perception that they are distant and hard hearted because of their rational and logical decisions." As much as I hate to say it, I have been accused of this before. I honestly care a lot for others but sometimes people just need to realize the cold hard facts and leave their fantasy world!

However, there are also quite a few parts that I disagree with. For example, it mentions that ENTJs writing process tends to begin with an organized writing plan.... ha! Eight grade English class would have been much more enjoyable if only I was good at that, with all the tons of page, letter, and paragraph structuring we had to do way back when. But as you can probably notice, I tend to start with any type of writing with the beginning and go from there. I will delete things, rearrange things, add and change things, but if I don't just start, I won't get it done till the last minute. That's another thing, procrastination. "ENTJs are often motivated to complete their work on time...". Well, as I have mentioned before, not me. Not me at all.

Moving on the another part of this typology type that apparently 'explains me' (eh.. past boyfriends have all tried and failed..), it lists a number of careers to consider. This was actually quite helpful cause while I happen to be in college I STILL have no idea what I want to do with my life. I've been weighing options and really want something I will enjoy, even if its not the most lucrative option. After crossing out a few 'options' that are just plain amusing, (Chemical Engineer? really?) I was narrowed to a few that actually seem interesting. Most tend to lean toward the business end of the career spectrum, like Marketing and Business Administration. Seeing as I am already working on my A.A.B, they seem viable. Others like Lawyer and a Judge seem a bit out there. Yes, I tend to be the mediator in the dispute of my friends, as much as I try not to, and like to know all the facts, but still I've never really considered going into Law. Food for thought, I guess.

Just make sure that you remember that there is no list of descriptions that will entirely capture who you are. Who I am. They may come close, some you may think scarily accurate, but you just need to keep an objective eye and take it with several grains of salt. You are your own person and no matter what, no personality test can tell you how to live your life.

P.S. a little side note, I searched and found a few famous people that have the same MBTI as me.
Steve Jobs
Julius Caesar
Napoléon Bonaparte
Franklin D. Roosevelt

and also... (drum roll please!!!)
Merida from Brave!!! (which explains the picture above, yeah?)
annnnd Darth Vader!

It seems like I will take over the world some day. Be warned.